Drone Tech Aerospace Managing Director, David Field, is pleased to announce today, 21 August 2015, receipt by the company of its first permissions to operate as a commercial drone operator from the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).
David stated, "We are over the moon to be one of the earliest companies to receive CAA commercial operations permissions. We have been developing or unique proprietary drone technology and systems for some time and will now be able to put these to use for customers in the UK wanting to apply cutting edge innovation to their operations using drones."
"DTA is focused on the application of drones and robotics to provide solutions for complex tasks in the engineering, construction and media industry sectors."
"When we state engineering, construction and media, we mean this in the widest sense. Our technology will have a significant impact across many sub sectors of these industries: civil engineering, construction, engineering inspections, facilities management, land surveying, oil & gas production rigs, promotional media, quarrying & mining, solar farms, utilities ... electricity, gas, water ... and many more."
"We now welcome inquiries from customers across all of these sectors confident in the knowledge that we can deliver to them a quality of drone services that very few can begin to approach."
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For further information, contact:
David Field- Managing Director, Drone Tech Aerospace
Mob: +44 (0) 7716 453 575